The UERJ´s Theater Division is the sector of the Cultural Department responsible for managing the Odylo Costa, filho Theater (1106 seats), the Noel Rosa Theater (211 seats) and the Marielle Franco Acoustic Shell (3000 seats). Big names such as Marisa Monte, Mrs. Ivone Lara, Cassia Eller, Frejat, Lenine, Emílio Santiago, among others, have already stepped onto its stages.
Promoting access to culture in all its aspects is the Theater Division´s mission, whose premise is offer a cultural programming that is always free or at popular prices. In this vein, the UERJ´s Theater Division has been carrying out consistent audience formation work for over 10 years, through partnerships with schools, social projects and academic units. Through the “Your Class in the Theater” program, students from school to university levels are invited to watch various shows, contributing to the human development of students by enhancing sensitivity, sociability and expanding cultural dimensions.
Aiming to make its public theaters increasingly accessible to everyone, the Theater Division has been developing since 2023, together with the Cultural Department's Cultural Accessibility Laboratory, the provision of cultural accessibility features for people with disabilities such as LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language), Tactile Visit for audio description users and Audio Description introductory notes.